Worship the LORD in all his holy splendor.
Psalm 96:9
Our Worship Philosophy
“Worship is the glorious privilege of all God’s people and is God’s due as Creator of the universe“ (Calvin Pincome). Genuine worship requires an attitude of humility that one demonstrates by obeying God’s covenant commands. Music is only one aspect of worship, but it is a beautiful and powerful experience. The style of music is not important, but the content of the music is of utmost importance. Therefore, each song we sing at Al-Masih Worship Center is carefully chosen for specific reasons:
Each song must demonstrate correct biblical theology. Songs are a great method of teaching spiritual concepts.
Each song must glorify God and be centered on Him. Praise and worship are to be directed to God and should be about Him or to Him.
Our music will focus on voices, not instruments. Instruments should be used to enhance our worship experience, but not overtake it. Instruments cannot be redeemed — people can. So we are intentionally decreasing the volume of the instruments to allow congregational voices to be heard.
Worship songs should edify (build up) the Body of Christ.
We follow the biblical directive of singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Therefore, we will have diversity in our music. We draw from various ethnic backgrounds and languages. Because we will introduce many songs new to the congregation, all lyrics will be clearly displayed. Listed below are links to many songs we will be singing at Al-Masih Worship Center so you can become familiar with them.